Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Netflix's March 2016 Release Review

House of Cards Season 4
Season 3 really turned me off.  The in-fighting was logical character progression, but was still kind of boring, and there weren't really any likable characters.  Season 4 changed that.

I like Claire and Frank working together again.  I feel like they each regained a little of their humanity this season.  The season was also filled with plenty of intrigue and suspense.  It was just somehow fun again.  If you dropped out because of Season 3, I'd definitely try picking it back up.

Daredevil Season 2
So, for those of you who don't know, Daredevil is the best show on Netflix.  Possibly competing with Game of Thrones and Hannibal for the best show on TV in the last couple years; and remember this is coming from a guy who doesn't read (superhero) comic books and generally dislikes most superhero movies/shows.

Season 2 is good, and, in a lot of ways, better than season 1, but you probably won't like it as much, because it's season plot arc is a little less cohesive than season 1, and it does some weird stuff in the second half of the season.  The production value has definitely increased (and it already looked pretty good).

Season 2's greatest strength is probably the way they use every principle character (Foggy, Karen, Electra, Punisher, Stick) as a foil of Matt.  This show really understands character, and damn do they do a good job developing Matt, Foggy, and Karen.

It handles the Punisher really, really, really well.  His character arc is good, but, even better, is the arc the show takes you the audience on with is character, changing your perspective of him.

If you watched Season 1, I don't have to tell you to watch season 2, because you already have.  If you haven't checked out Daredevil yet, do so right now.  Binge watch it immediately.

Trailer Park Boys Season 10
Weird.  Weird season.  Just like the last several, it's more of the same, but, if you're a fan of the show, it's still funny and charming, so there's that.  As long as they keep making them, I'll keep watching them.

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